
Friday, January 7, 2011

The new year's first official posting...

As usual, unlike Biker Dude, I struggle to get things done sometimes. I know, I'm kind of late with things. Not that I haven't been doing anything, just that I have been doing a whole lot.
I looked back and it's been over six months since I updated this thing. Sorry about that. But then, who really sees this anyway except for possibly my three friends, Cher, Hilary, and Jenny. Thanks you guys for your interest.

I've been mostly working on graphic design and illustrations, trying to realize a dream, and then I've been writing... just very slowly. Me, and Biker Dude, and a whole bunch of people here were very glad to see 2010 go. It was great as far as some things, which I will eventually be able to talk about, and really sucky as far as some other things.

The biggest sucky thing: One of our best friend's husbands died unexpectedly. He was a great guy and had a personality and presence that, though it's about six months now, we still haven't begun to forget. His name was Ken and I'll always remember him.

Members of our book club lost loved ones too. So truly, it was a downer of a year as far as losses go.

Plusses: Well, I finally walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. A "Bucket List" item that I have wanted to do for over twenty years.

And I'm on a pathway toward a degree in Graphic Design. So expect to see, along with Biker Dude stories, art and illustration items I've worked on.

I've been adding posts, sort of backwards in time though and retro to the day that things happened. It feels strange to have to do it this way, but it makes the chronology easier to keep organized, and I can write better this way.

So, a late Happy New Year to all. Hope to see more of you this year than last.

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