
Monday, February 25, 2013

Staring at the page...

I've been musing over what to write here and how to go about this blogging thing. I'm trying to figure out what's the best approach. Do I want to fictionalize everything? Do I want to start out with description of who I am and where I come from? Do I really want to do this at all?

It's not always easy to be creative. For me at least. The writers I've read in other blogs are good. Really good.

Do I really want to step out into a place where, once again, I'm a total newbie? A place where there's going to be other writers and most of them have been published, and I'm basically just someone who knows where to find the word in a dictionary.


An hour goes by.

Then two.

I'm sitting there in front of the computer, the fingers of my left hand tracing the rim of a cold cup of coffee. Just staring at the empty blog page, moving the mouse cursor around on the screen, tracing the letters of the alphabet one by one like I'm writing them in the air in front of my face. My brain a million miles away. A thousand germs of ideas mired in hesitation.

Biker Dude comes up and says, "Just write something. Write anything. Here, give me that," he says as he shoves me aside. "I'll put something up first. It may suck, but at least it's a start. Otherwise, you'll be sitting there forever, and I have places to go."

"But, what if?.." I said, trying to reclaim the mouse from him. "Wait... don't you want to..?"

He pushed my hand aside and threw me a look that said, "Back Off."

So I did.

He gulped down what was left of my coffee, handed me the mug, and while I got up to make another pot, he sat down and began to type...

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